Author: Mions Lo

世企交流会 之 Melanie Yeow 女士

· 诚邀您参与世界健康俱乐部每个月第一和第三个星期二的世企(世界健康企业)交流会,有机会对接各行各业相同理念的企业家。 *当日的企业分享者:* Melanie – 是Styling Pavilion Academy创办人 和执行董事 .Styling Pavilion 以培训无数学生、代表国家队和ASEN SKILL,Word Skill. Styling Pavilion Academy是政府承认的 4个星技术教育学院。可以跟政府贷款高达RM35,900. -国家技术文凭+私立文凭 -提供学生宿舍 -工作保证RM2500-RM4000++ -16岁可以报名 -无需看成绩/0基础 -培育青少年计划,赞助美发,美容课程每个月还有生活津贴 *全马第一号召大健康的企业交流平台-世界健康俱乐部WWC*

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世企交流会 之 陈劲锭博士

· 各位来自各界的企业家们! 诚邀您参与世界健康俱乐部每个月第一和第三个星期二的世企(世界健康企业)交流会,有机会对接各行各业相同理念的企业家。 当日的企业分享者:陈劲锭博士 陈劲锭博士是马来西亚香都沉香国际贸易公司的创办人兼执行董事长。 香都沉香总部是在中国海南主营奇楠沉香走香药养生路线。 在武来岸拥有200多亩的沉香养生基地,客户包括来自各大国的旅客,产品品牌如OUD TEA以及香都香系列。 香都集团未来目标聚焦在打造自己的品牌并推广到国际市场。 全马第一号召大健康的企业 交流平台-世界健康俱乐部WWC 打造健康产业链,是未来的趋势,势在必行! 日期:17/5/2022(星期二) 时间:7am 地点:Zoom 点击此处进群参与交流会与名片交换 更多详情请联系:018-6698693 Share on facebook Facebook Follow us Facebook

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· 《WWC第一届大爱原始生活营》2022年5月1日Rescue Union 正式官宣成立救灾单位。每个月安排RU志工培训班,结合大家的力量把爱传出去! 感谢全体人员见证这一刻。再次感谢 KC Valley 护生园园长谢博士让我们体验最原始最真实的两天一夜,也让我们体会到您的幸福时光以及努力,也为KC Valley的志工团们说声“谢谢你们”! #wearewwc #worldwidewellnessclub #WWC #campfire #charityevent #RescueUnion Share on facebook Facebook Follow us Facebook Get notified of

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· Previous Next 感谢槟城协和国民型华文小学的邀请,也非常荣幸再度和 TYT Tun Dato’ Seri Utama Ahmad Fuzi bin Haji Abdul Razak (槟州元首阿末弗兹) 一起出席全国首位生态文明小学计划推展礼,参观师生们携手打造无化学农药花草及蔬菜种植生态环境。世界健康俱乐部的其一宗旨与使命”人人都可大健康”, 健康是整体的安康, 包括心理、社会、情感、身体以及精神等多方面的健康,互为影响。我们WWC会员非常荣幸能出席这次的活动也非常兴奋该校的如此用心,从培育时代新人至高度加强心理健康教育,全面加强和改进学生心理健康教育工作,让广大学生更加健康阳光成长,让学生接触大自然,学习爱护环境,为我们的地球尽一份心力。世界健康俱乐部的其二宗旨与使命 “以商养善,公益前行”。感谢WWC代表顾问拿督温斯钦、顾问准拿督罗月清校长、顾问李博士、创会主席叶荣安、总会长彭俊达、副会长Johnsen Ng, 副会长May Wang以及WWC会员们出席该活动并提供协助。我们得知该校有贫寒学生需要提供帮助,经过了解学生们的情况下,WWC已捐献物质和提供助学金予有需要的30名学生,以及马来西亚环环相扣生态文明传播中心协助该校,推动绿色校园计划及为全校进行消毒工作。物价高导致人民生活消费越来越高,社会上还有比我们更困难的家庭, 他们需要社会、学校及家庭给予更多的关心与照顾。希望大家能提供适当的帮助,让孩子能在不受影响的环境下完成学业。如有任何意见或合作, 请电邮至

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2022 Rescue Union Flood Relief

· 吉隆坡22日讯)八方支援送温情,百年水龙慌人心,世界健康俱乐部结合我国不同的组织,在大马天灾精英拯救部队全国副主席兼总教练谢庆存协助下,成立“大健康救灾联盟”,呼吁各界向灾民伸出援手和征求义工。 世界健康俱乐部总会长彭俊达在文中提到,从水灾发生截至现在,短短几天在各地已成立了10个物资站,从而得到许多组织的加入和帮忙,所得的物资已送往各个灾区。 他指出,随着我国各地水灾灾情持续不断,尤其是彭亨州灾情严重,水位高及屋顶,决定再收集物资援助彭州灾民,比如食用水、干粮、床垫、医用口罩、洗手液、个人卫生洗刷用品等等。 Share on facebook Facebook Follow us Facebook Get notified of the best deals on our WordPress themes. Latest posts

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· 吉隆坡22日讯)八方支援送温情,百年水龙慌人心,世界健康俱乐部结合我国不同的组织,在大马天灾精英拯救部队全国副主席兼总教练谢庆存协助下,成立“大健康救灾联盟”,呼吁各界向灾民伸出援手和征求义工。 世界健康俱乐部总会长彭俊达在文中提到,从水灾发生截至现在,短短几天在各地已成立了10个物资站,从而得到许多组织的加入和帮忙,所得的物资已送往各个灾区。 他指出,随着我国各地水灾灾情持续不断,尤其是彭亨州灾情严重,水位高及屋顶,决定再收集物资援助彭州灾民,比如食用水、干粮、床垫、医用口罩、洗手液、个人卫生洗刷用品等等。 Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Share on pinterest Pinterest Follow us Facebook Get notified

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· 吉隆坡22日讯)八方支援送温情,百年水龙慌人心,世界健康俱乐部结合我国不同的组织,在大马天灾精英拯救部队全国副主席兼总教练谢庆存协助下,成立“大健康救灾联盟”,呼吁各界向灾民伸出援手和征求义工。 世界健康俱乐部总会长彭俊达在文中提到,从水灾发生截至现在,短短几天在各地已成立了10个物资站,从而得到许多组织的加入和帮忙,所得的物资已送往各个灾区。 他指出,随着我国各地水灾灾情持续不断,尤其是彭亨州灾情严重,水位高及屋顶,决定再收集物资援助彭州灾民,比如食用水、干粮、床垫、医用口罩、洗手液、个人卫生洗刷用品等等。 Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Share on pinterest Pinterest Follow us Facebook Get notified

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Our values are inspired by WWC vision and mission. We are individually and collectively committed to put these values into practice.

We put people’s health interests in first priority. Our actions and recommendations are independent, transparent and timely.


We uphold the highest standards of professionalism across all roles and specializations. We are guided by the best available expertise and professional TEAM. We continuously develop ourselves and innovate to respond to a changing world.


We practice the advice we give to the world and engage with everyone honestly in good faith. We hold ourselves and others accountable for words and actions.


We engage with colleagues and partners to strengthen impact at country level. We use the power of diversity to achieve more together and communicate openly with everyone to learn from one another.


We courageously and selflessly defend everyone’s right to health. We promote sustainable approaches to health and strive to make people feel safe, respected, empowered, fairly treated and duly recognized.


“To promote health in lifestyle, well keep the GREEN environment and serve the vulnerable, with measurable impact for people at country level.”

We care for the physical, mental and spiritual health of all human beings, we advocate a culture of harmony and ethnic unity around the world, realize the scientific development and collaborative progress of various groups and institutions in the society, and seek friendship, peace and prosperity for all ethnic groups.

Public Welfares

To serve the poor and deprived sections of the society by providing them the basic amenities like education, healthcare, food and shelter that equip individuals to become an equal partner in the progress of the nation. Through various community service projects and the support of our caring and generous donors, we are engaged in helping people with little or no resources. With the high spirit and dedication of our volunteers, WWC strives to alleviate human sufferings and to help them achieve real improvement in the quality of their lives.

Global as ONE

We share a common phrase to advocate and practice “Global as ONE” movement in a timely and competent manner. We work with the cooperation of the community and other local government units to create a vibrant and healthy physical, social and economic environment.


“March toward a world in which
all peoples attain the highest possible level of wellness.”

To become a prominent comprehensive platform for industries, organizations and individual from various fields of education, technology, culture, sports, health, ecology and their affiliated companies, aiming to actively spur the development of global overall health of mankind, regardless of race, nationality, gender, age, education or income.

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